The production company Poste Restante was founded by producer Dóra Csernátony and director Lili Horvát in Budapest in 2016 to create a home base for open an independent-minded filmmakers. Lili is one of the best-known Hungarian filmmakers of her generation; her first feature was The Wednesday Child, which won numerous international awards, including a Crystal Globe at Karlovy Vary 2015. Dóra has produced several cultural TV series, including Propaganda, which won the Pulitzer memorial prize. Poste Restante works in close collaboration with producer Péter Miskolczi, who supports the company with his extensive experience in successful European coproductions.
The first production of the company is Lili Horvát's second feature Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time. The film will be premiered at the Venice International Film Festival in September 2020.